Area Cleaning Service, LLC
Licensed, Bonded, Insured, Certified
Area Cleaning Service, LLC
Licensed, Bonded, Insured, Certified

Area Cleaning Service, LLC Professional Cleaning Seminars

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Area Cleaning Service, LLC Professional Seminars Frequently Asked Questions

⦁ Area Cleaning Service, LLC Seminars are in person and hands on.
⦁ Seminars are presented by well-respected, skilled, and certified janitorial professionals – at various locations within the Northeast Ohio Region.
⦁ Area Cleaning Service, LLC Seminars are designed for adults and re-entry clients, desiring to obtain knowledge for a career with high market demand
⦁ Attendees of the 2-day Basic Seminar develop knowledge and skills to facilitate employment success.


⦁ Seminar attendees may network to find opportunities, share ideas, ask questions, get a different perspective, etc.


⦁ If you are considering working in OR becoming a part of the Commercial Cleaning and/or Janitorial Industry OR looking for ways to improve your skills as a Janitorial Professional – but you lack ideas and credentials – attending this Area Cleaning Service, LLC may be a good fit for you.

Training involves specific content related to a particular scope of activity or scope of practice.

Seminars can be used in many contexts as exposure to a new scope of information or to broaden what information is currently available.